Thursday, July 18, 2013

English Pronunciation for Icelanders Recognition, production and transcription drills CD version 0.4 Pétur Knútsson málver heimspekideildar, 2002 GRAMMA on grecisc is LITTERA on leden and on englisc stæf, and GRAMMATICA is stæfcræft. Se cræft is ealra bóclícra cræfta ordfruma and grundweall. (Ælfric)

1 comment:

  1. English Pronunciation for Icelanders Recognition, production and transcription drills
    CD version 0.4
    Pétur Knútsson
    málver heimspekideildar, 2002
    GRAMMA on grecisc is LITTERA on leden and on englisc stæf, and GRAMMATICA is stæfcræft. Se cræft is ealra bóclícra cræfta ordfruma and grundweall. (Ælfric)
